
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Witchy Woman

I finished my Halloween costume last night.  And here she is, my son-requested witch dress!
witch dress full
 It might not look like much yet, but I am wearing a black vinyl corset over it, which makes a big difference in the look.  This piece is just the under-dress.

I was inspired by this pin, which is actually a SCA costume piece.  I figured for a witch, I could make it all raggedy, like it had once been a nice dress, but has been worn waaaay too long.  In a swamp.  With all kinds of yucky witch-brew ingredients spilled on it.

I used Butterick pattern 3906.

Here are a few detail pictures:

Witch dress sleeve

I ragged up the bottoms of the sleeves.  I'm debating whether I should do the same thing to the very bottom of the dress.

witch dress ruffle

I sewed the ruffle onto the outside of the skirt to give it more visual interest.

witch dress casings  

I put the black bias tape elastic casings on the outside of the sleeve, again, just to add a little more interest.  The casings were the most time consuming part of this really simple project!

I am pretty happy with how it has turned out so far.  I'll be honest though, I initially wanted to do a lot more with this costume, mainly adding a tie-on bustle.  I still might, but I have a lot of other projects I want/need to get to, so I'm thinking I am going to call this one done.  For now.

I made this dress with the idea of being able to use it for years and years.  And I have plenty of fabric left in case I decide to add to it next year, or whenever I decide to wear it again.

The fun part is that I can continue adding to this costume as much, and for as long as I want.

And of course, I will post pictures of the full costume all put together after Halloween!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

WiP #25 - Groundhog Day

I feel like I am repeating the same post from last week, since it is about the same two projects.  However, I did finish one (or the top at least!) and made good progress on the second.  Next week I will definitely have moved on to some new projects, I promise!

I did finish my quilt top last week (and you get an awesome instagram photo of it):
On a side note, I really need to figure out a better set up for my photos.  I've been taking them on my back porch, cause it just seems to get the best light (sometimes).  But I have nothing out there to hang my quilts on to show the full tops.  I just hang them over the side of the rail.  Maybe I will have to have my husband rig up some kind of a line to pin them to when he gets home.
But anyway, back to the quilt, I did go out and get some backing fabric for it, but I am kindof stuck on what to use for binding.  I am thinking the darkest purple color that is in the quilt, but I don't want to do a solid.  Hmmm....decisions!
Of course, once the quilt top was done, I moved on to my Halloween costume.  It is coming together fairly quickly, especially now that I have the sleeves done!
Maybe you can't tell from this photo, but this is one of the finished sleeves.  The rest of the costume is still a hot mess!

This costume has been really easy since I am using knit (don't have to finish any of the raw edges).  And since it is supposed to be a raggy witch dress, I don't even have to hem it!

The hardest part so far as been sewing the casings onto the sleeves to run the elastic through.  And I shouldn't even say that was hard, just more time consuming than anything else, because of having to measure and pin the casing around the outside of the sleeve.

It has also been great practice for sewing on knits!  I've watched/read a couple of tutorials for sewing on knits and have been happy to practice on my costume, since I do want to try a few knit projects for my boys in the future.

Anyway, I have so little left to do, I am pretty sure I will have my costume finished tonight.

And I have added one new project to my Christmas WiP list.  But it is officially the last new item I am adding to the list for the rest of the year!

My Sister-in-Law, who requested doll quilts for my niece last year, requested some more dolly items this year.  I am more than happy to oblige, because I know the items I make for Lizzy (my niece) are used and well-loved!  So I bought some flannel and fleece to make some baby bibs (my Sister-in-Law's request), but that is just not enough, so I am also going to make some baby doll diapers.  And since I am making them for Lizzy, I think I will make some for my other niece, as well. 

WiP's Finished: 0

WiP's Worked on: 2

Christmas Projects:

4 Embroidered Key Fobs (Various gifts)
2 sets of Baby Doll bibs and diapers

Embroidered Tote (Mom's gift)

"Vintage Modern" gift (For my sister, referred to as "Vintage Modern", since she picked out the fabric. The rest, however, is a surprise!)

Secret Gift #2

Possible gifts, if I have time:

Capes for all my boys

Fleece Blankets for all my boys and husband
Linking up to WiP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Friday, October 19, 2012

Halloween Barn Star

I finished a non-sewing project this week.  Say hello to my newest piece of Halloween decor!
I would explain how I did it, but there are so many tutorials online (just google "paper covered barn star tutorial"), I felt that would just be redundant.  These really are so simple to make, you almost don't even need a tutorial!
I found some papier mache barn stars online for cheap, so I ordered a couple.  Then I got the paper for 50% off at Hobby Lobby.  So in other words, this project is really budget friendly!
This is my first attempt at embellishing a barn star, and it was a good learning experience, as far as working with a papier mache base, rather than a metal one. 
I used Mod Podge for the entire project here, but I think next time, I will either spray it with a matte clear coat to finish it, or use a spray adhesive to stick the papers on, or both. 
I think the two layers of Mod Podge (one layer to stick the papers on, and one layer to seal it) was a little too much for the paper base, because I noticed after the top coat dried, the arms of the star started bowing out a little bit.  It is not noticeable looking at it, but I could definitely feel it.
I had initially thought I would add some sort of ribbon or other embellishment, but in the end, I didn't like the way it looked.  I felt like it made the star way too "cutesy" for Halloween decor.  So I left it plain, and I like it.
Next I am going to make a Christmas one.
For those who don't know, I actually worked at a Scrapbook store for a year while my husband was gone on a 15-month deployment, so I have a little bit of history in paper crafting.  (In fact, my former boss at the scrapbook store, Rita, has a darling website, Pink Polka Dot Creations.  You really should go check her out!) 
 And I have to say, I actually loved working with paper again! It's been awhile since I have, and it made me happy to play with it again.  So don't be surprised if you see some more paper crafting pop up on my blog a bit more, cause I have a few more things I'd like to try in the near future!
But until then, happy crafting!
(Linking to these parties:)
Love and Laundry

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WiP #24 - And Some Randomness

I wish I had gotten more done this past week. 
I wish I had at least gotten my quilt top done. 
My husband was on a scout camp out Friday night, so I was able to piece all my coin stacks together.  And that was as far as I got until last night, when I squared (rectangled?) up all my stacks so I could sew the sashing on.  And that is what I am doing right now. 
It will be done by tonight, which is perfect, actually, cause I can't do any more on it until I get something to back it with.
Which means I can move onto my Halloween costume, which has seen no progress since last week.
And I can also start on some embroidery.  My mom requested a tote with some embroidery on it for her Christmas gift, so I am going to do a few practice items before I commit to her project.
I have a plain black dishtowel that I am going to add a Halloween pumpkin to, and an old apron that I am going to try to revive with a little embroidery for practice.
JoAnn's had their thread 50% off this week, so I thought it was the perfect time to go and stock up.
Emb Thread
I also worked on my non-sewing project this week, a Halloween barn star.  It's not totally finished, but almost.  I will post a picture when it is done.
I also had a little craft time with my twins and made this:

And, speaking of my twins, they came home from preschool with these for me:
One of the advantages of having twins is that you get double the love when they make stuff for you at school!
Anyway, here are the stats for this week:
WiP's Finished: 0
WiP's Worked on: 1
Christmas Projects:

4 Embroidered Key Fobs (Various gifts)

Embroidered Tote (Mom's gift)

"Vintage Modern" gift (For my sister, referred to as "Vintage Modern", since she picked out the fabric. The rest, however, is a surprise!)

 Secret Gift #2

Possible gifts, if I have time:

Capes for all my boys

A "Minnie Mouse" dress for my niece

Fleece Blankets for all my boys and husband
Linking to Lee @ Freshly Pieced


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WiP #23 - Making a List and Checking It Twice

This time of year doesn't leave me a lot of free time. 
For some reason, October seems to be a packed month here at our house.  Between Church obligations (we have our Primary Program in two weeks and I am in the Primary Presidency), my twins school obligations (their fundraiser Bingo is in a month, and I am on the committee), Halloween (Trunk or Treats at both my husbands work and church, plus regular Trick or Treating on actual Halloween night) and my twins birthday 5 days after Halloween, I'm starting to feel the pressure to really get going on any handmade Christmas gifts I plan of making this year. 
But yet, with the pressure mounting, I feel like I don't have nearly enough time to get anything done.  And then before I know it, Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is fully upon me!
Last year, even though I enjoyed our holidays, I didn't feel as prepared as I usually like to be.  I was literally sewing up until the night before the post office deadline to get things shipped before Christmas.  I had carpal tunnel for the entire month of January from all the last minute sewing I did. 
I don't want to do that this year, so these two projects will be my last non-Christmas gift projects I take on this year.    
WiP's worked on this week:
Ellie's Sliced Coin Quilt:
One stack sewn (see it trailing all the way over my ironing board over there?), three to go.  I should have the top done by this weekend.
And my Witch costume is all cut out and ready to go:
Like I said, these are my last non-Christmas projects, so I'm not even going to list my old WiP list.  From now until the end of the year, I will list my Christmas gift WiP's instead.
Christmas Projects:
4 Embroidered Key Fobs (Various gifts)
Embroidered Tote (Mom's gift)
"Vintage Modern" gift (For my sister, referred to as "Vintage Modern", since she picked out the fabric.  The rest, however, is a surprise!)
Another secret gift, which I can't describe at all, since it will be for someone who reads this blog!
Possible gifts, if I have time:
Capes for all my boys
A "Minnie Mouse" dress for my niece
Fleece Blankets for all my boys and husband
Linking to Lee over @ Freshly Pieced 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

WiP #22 and a Bit About Halloween Costumes

It is October, and naturally, the projects that take the forefront are Halloween costumes. 
Fortunately for me, because my boys have been telling me since January that they want to be Avengers, this year I am only making one costume - my own.
My boys have decided for me that I will be a witch this year.

Again, fortune has it that I made a black vinyl, bodice-type costume piece many, many years ago.  I decided to make this the base to build my witch costume around:

I will apologize right now for the yucky iphone pics today...
I am going to do a little "upgrading" to this piece to make it a little more sturdy, and hopefully get a lot more years of use out of it.  I am going to put eyelets in for the lacing (right now it just has ribbon loops), and I would like to put some boning in the front edges and seams.
I am waiting to get the fabric for the rest of the costume until Friday when JoAnn's has their Columbus Day sale and I can get it for 60% off.
Speaking of costumes, here is a small sample of some of the costumes I have made over the past few years.  I will do a post detailing them all once my costume is done:
Halloween Costume Collage
As far as my other WiP, I was able to cut out all the fabric for my Sliced Coins quilt. 
I ended up having to go and get some more fabric for the sashing since I didn't have quite enough of what I was originally going to use in my stash, but I didn't mind. I actually wanted a different color, but was going to use what I had just to be thrifty. I'm glad I had a reason to get something I really wanted! I just pressed it and will be cutting the sashing tonight. 
WiP's finished - 0

New WiP's started - 0

WiP's worked on - 1

"Love" baby quilt

On the Back Burner: 6

*TWO stockings to finish

*ONE Key fob to finish (and 3 new ones to make for Christmas gifts)

Swoon mini quilt

Denim Rag Quilt

Star Baby Quilt

Couch pillows

WiP's not started yet: 3

Bed quilt (Swoon) (fabric purchased)

Secret gift #1 (fabric purchased)

Secret gift #2

Possibilities/ Idea Phase: 1

Patriotic mini/wall quilt


Linking up to Lee at Freshly Pieced